Shocking Revelation: What Does The Bible Say About Artificial Intelligence?

what does the bible say about artificial intelligence

The Christian Bible never envisions the existence of non-human intelligence, let alone addresses the inquiries and apprehensions it might provoke.

Nevertheless, it does impart the belief that God has forged an extraordinary connection with humans, one that stands apart from all other beings.

The Bible doesn’t explicitly mention artificial intelligence, as it was written long before the concept of AI emerged. Some passages and principles from the Bible can be applied to discussions about AI in a broader ethical and moral context. Here are some relevant points to consider.

Creation and Stewardship

In Genesis 1:27, it’s stated that humanity is created in the image of God.

This has been interpreted in various ways, but it generally implies that humans have a special status in creation, endowed with certain responsibilities.

When it comes to AI, we must consider how we use and steward this technology.

Ethical Considerations

The Bible provides principles for ethical behavior, such as the Golden Rule (Matthew 7:12), which encourages treating others as we would like to be treated.

This can be applied to how we develop and deploy AI, ensuring it benefits humanity and respects individual rights and dignity.

what does the bible say about artificial intelligence

Wisdom and Knowledge

Proverbs 2:6 states, “For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.”

This can be interpreted as an encouragement to seek knowledge and understanding, which includes understanding and using AI responsibly.

Guarding Against Idolatry

The Bible warns against worshiping idols.

While AI is not an idol in the traditional sense, there could be concerns about over-reliance on AI systems, potentially leading to a neglect of spiritual values and human connections.

Preserving Human Dignity

Many passages in the Bible emphasize the intrinsic value and worth of every individual. When it comes to AI, we must ensure that it respects and upholds human dignity rather than diminishing it.

what does the bible say about artificial intelligence

Love and Compassion

The Bible places great emphasis on love and compassion for others.

When developing and using AI, it’s important to consider how it can be used to benefit humanity and promote the well-being of all.

Unintended Consequences

The Bible contains stories and teachings about the consequences of human actions.

This can serve as a reminder to carefully consider the potential unintended effects of AI and take steps to mitigate any negative impacts.


We conclude our topic: what does the bible say about artificial intelligence? Remember, interpretations of these principles can vary among different religious traditions and individual believers. It’s important to engage in thoughtful and respectful dialogue when discussing the intersection of faith and technology. Consulting with religious leaders or scholars from your specific tradition can provide more tailored guidance on this topic.


Where is AI mentioned in the Bible?

AI is not explicitly mentioned in the Bible, as it was written long before the concept of artificial intelligence emerged.

Does the Bible say anything about technology?

The Bible doesn’t directly address modern technology since it was written in ancient times. However, some principles can be applied to ethical considerations surrounding technology.

What does the Bible say about robots?

The Bible does not specifically mention robots as we understand them today, as they did not exist during the time it was written.

Is there an AI Bible?

There isn’t an AI-specific Bible. However, some people may explore religious texts for insights into the ethical use of AI.

Can an AI become a God?

No, according to mainstream religious beliefs, an AI cannot become a deity or God.

What is the AI app that talks to Jesus?

While there are various apps and technologies designed to facilitate religious experiences or provide information on religious texts, none are recognized as a direct means of communicating with Jesus or any deity. Always exercise discernment and caution when using such applications.

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